Exchanging money and paying in Serbia

Exchanging currencies when travelling can be tricky, especially if you travel to the part of the world where they are using currency for which you have never heard before. It gets even more confusing when all the prices in the country are expressed in Euros, everybody are mentioning Euros when talking about prices, but you […]


Solo traveling in Serbia

No need to stay at home because you’re single, female and the wrong side of 60. And you can be a bit disabled too. Love travelling, meeting new people, seeing places and experiencing different cultures and societies, but I am all of the above and, while I do need to plan and research my itinerary, […]


5 pastries you shouldn’t miss while you are in Serbia

Balkan is a peninsula connecting Europe and Middle East and this crossroads between the East and the West has always attracted many invaders. As a result of that, nations blended in for centuries in this region, as well as their cultures and customs. Many tourists praise the traditional cuisine when they visit Balkans, although it […]