
Pregledali ste sve naše ture i deluju vam zanimljivo i privlačno, ali ipak želite nešto drugačije. Nema nikakvih problema, na raspolaganju su vam ture skrojene po meri!

Ture skrojene po meri reflektuju želju putnika da vidi i iskusi nešto što je samo njemu bitno, a to nešto nije moguće pronaći ni u jednoj ponudi ma koliko ona originalna, specifična ili personalizovana bila.

Iz ovog razloga mi smo postavili i ovu mogućnost, da sami date želju ili konkretan zahtev šta je to što bi želeli da iskusite, a mi ćemo na osnovu vaše želje ili zahteva napraviti turu skrojenu po vašoj meri.

Slobodno pustite mašti na volju, jer naš je imperativ da vam ugodimo. Ukoliko niste baš 100% sigurni šta je to konkretno što želite da vidite, onda nam bar dajte smernice, a mi ćemo dati predlog.

Procedura je jednostavna, pošaljite nam zahtev za ovakvom turom na [email protected], a mi ćemo uzvratiti u što kraćem roku sa detaljnim itinererom, opisima i naravno cenom.

Pre nego što nam pošaljete zahteva za personalizovanom turom, a ukoliko tražite višednevnu turu po Srbiji ili Balkanu, pogledajte sledeće ture na našem sajtu, možda će baš neka od njih odgovarati onome što tražite ili ćemo moći uz male izmene da je prilagodimo vašim potrebama:

  1. Srbijom u četiri dana
  2. Sedam dana kroz Srbiju
  3. Deset dana kroz Srbiju
  4. Tura Zapadnim Balkanom


Molimo vas da imate u vidu da izrada tura po meri zahteva izuzetno puno vremena, kao i da je potrebno mnogo rada i planiranja zajedno sa našim partnerima koji obezbeđuju smeštaj, aktivnosti i obroke. Iz ovog razloga smo uveli sledeća pravila: da izradu itinerara za ture po zahtevu čije trajanje nije duže od četiri dana ne naplaćujemo, ali da za itinere u dužem trajanju od toga naplaćujemo sledeće naknade: za izradu itinerera u dužini od pet do deset dana naknada je 6500RSD, a za itinerere preko deset dana naknada je 12500RSD. U slučaju da gost prihvati našu turu po meri finalna cena će biti umanjena za plaćeni iznos.

Hvala vam što cenite naše vreme i napore da izađemo u susret svakom vašem zahtevu.


Darcy M
октобар 31, 2023
What a terrific tour! We booked a tour to go to a non-tourist town about an hour out of Belgrade where our father was born. Our guide, Andrew, was knowledgeable, and had gone out of his way to research the area and all that was of interest to see. We took away so much from this tour - he covered all the basics and so much more! We went at our own pace and kept an interesting and informative conversation going throughout the tour. At the end we managed to even see highlights of Belgrade. We cannot recommend Andrew and Serbian Private tours enough.

The comment is taken from TripAdvisor review page connected to our service, to see the source follow this link.

октобар 29, 2022
A Vacation to remember! It is rare that I opt for a guided tour as opposed to exploring it yourself; in my opinion, I consider it to be a better option to do it myself instead of someone showing me around, until this time though. I opted for Serbian tours for an 8-day getaway to Serbia and it was nothing short of perfect. When I reached out to Serbian Private tours ( Miljian ) he got our requirement to the T and planned an itinerary that suited my family. This was important because I was traveling with a 10-month-old on her first vacation. Andrija ( Andrew) our travel liaison was extremely friendly and so damn knowledgeable, that we got more than we bargained for. his historical titbits and facts gave us such an insight into the history of the place. He made sure our vacation was as enjoyable as it could possibly be, and ensured we take back a little bit of Serbia with us. Thank you for a memorable Vacay! Definitely recommend Serbian Private Tours, even if you intend to plan it yourself. The comment is taken from TripAdvisor review page connected to our service, to see the source follow this link.
Karan Awtani
јул 29, 2021
Tour De Force For All the Senses! Travelling in a group and with kids is never the simplest task - so it seemed quite like the smart thing to do to get someone with local knowledge to be our guides. And how right we were. The team led by Miljan (the owner, tour designer) and Andrija (the guide who was with us thru our 9 day journey) were nothing short of excellent. We made bespoke itinerary that allowed us to hub out of both Belgrade and Novi Sad and gave us a full whirlwind and thorough tour of Northern Serbia and the capital. From 999AD to 1999AD - we got whole rundown of what Serbia was, what it went through, and how the Serbs see themselves today. Along the way we experienced some fantastic architecture and historical sites that are millennia old such as some jaw dropping monasteries. Then within these dropped jaws we stuffed some incredible local cuisine and Serbian wine that truly satiated the heart and soul! The company is responsive, alert, understanding of customer needs and they definitely know their way around the country - lastly & most of all they are straightforward. I would highly recommend using their services be it as a solo traveler or a big group!!

The comment is taken from TripAdvisor review page connected to our service, to see the source follow this link.

Linda S
октобар 9, 2019
Four of us organised an 11 day tour through Serbia with Serbian Private tours. We wanted to experience a wide range of what Serbia has to offer as well as investigate some family history. The tour definitely exceeded our expectations! Our guide Andrija impressed us with his knowledge, professionalism and friendly approach and the variety of experiences made our trip very memorable and a lot of fun!

The comment is taken from TripAdvisor review page connected to our service, to see the source follow this link.


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This is a daily tour.

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Details on prices and services

Da bismo vam dostavili cenu i ostale pojedinosti u vezi sa vašom Turom skrojenoj po meri, molimo vas da nam kroz upit dostavite sledeće informacije: broj putnika, dužina trajanja ture, oblast interesovanja. Imajte u vidu da određeni zahtevi mogu da iniciraju troškove izrade ture po meri i tada važe sledeće tarife:
Naknada za izradu ture po meri:
Itinerer u trajanju do četiri dana Besplatno
Itinerer u trajanju između 5-10 days 6500RSD
Itinerer u trajanju preko deset dana 12500 RSD
Usluge uključene u naknadu:
Jedan itinerer po zahtevu po ceni jedne naknade
Do pet različitih verzija baziranih na jednom istom zahtevu
Ukoliko gost prihvati turu po zahtevu na osnovu predloženog itinerera krajnja cena ture će biti umanjena za iznos plaćene naknade
Dodatne naknade:
Ukoliko broj verzija istog itinerera prevaziđe brojku od pet primenjuju se standardne naknade
Ukoliko se zahtev izmeni u potpunosti ili se zahteva novi itinerer primenjuju se standardne naknade
